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Monday, June 16, 2014

Let's go Super Eagles!

It's time for a little football. I mean, now that the FIFA Worldcup has started, even I get mildly enthusiastic about it. Mildly. It's just not my kind of sport, but what can you do, right? Nigerians in is inevitable, so I just roll with it and pretend I actually do know what is going on on the field, ha. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not completly ignorant. I'm just not that kind of person who sits on the edge of her seat being all "uuuuhhhh...this is so thrilling!", because to me it's not. I choose to be more of an aficiando, bathing in sophistication with a glass of red wine in one hand while I nod approvingly at any successful play.
Ok, the picture that I just created in my head is reason enough why it's not that much fun to watch football with me. Hm. BUT(!) I do know what offside is! So, no stupid questions about that from this girl, no sir!
Anyway. Thank God my children are a lot more motivated about this ordeal amazing event than me. I just wish they would stop talking about it?

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